It is good to be creative, exciting to be always giving new ideas, thinking of new places to go or having new things to launch. But real winners complete their things, They are follow-through people. Jesus started His ministry at the age of thirty for three and a half years. He did many miracles. He touched many lives. He moved the world with twelve men. He conveyed a principle that revealed His power. It happened on that horrible day of His crucifixion. He was taunted by thousands. Spear pierced His side. Spikes were driven into His hands. Eight inches of thorns were crushed into His brow. Blood dried on His hair. Soldiers’ spittle run down His body. Jesus Christ uttered the greatest words ever said on earth “It is finished” (John 19:30).The sin of man forgiven. He paid the price. The plan was complete. He became the Lamb of God who died for the forgiveness of sin. He is the Prince of Peace, the Head of the corner, the reconciler to God, the High Priest who connects us to God. Hebrews 4:14 Jesus finished what He started. The connection between God and men was complete. Believers saved by Faith and Grace can go to the throne of God without fear. The Apostle Paul was a finisher, fought a good fight of faith, he finished his course and he kept the faith (2Tim 4:7); Solomon finished the House of God he built. (1King 6:14) For us, start completing small things. Write those “Jesus cares”, “Jesus love you” and “See you in Church” note to somebody. Make those two “texts”. Be a winner, a finisher. Get the spirit of finishing things. He that endure to the end shall be saved. (Mat 10:22) Be blessed.