

Where does Grace reign? In the letter of Paul to the Romans, Grace reigns through righteousness, “That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 5:21.  The verse agree with God’s purpose for sending His Son to the world. Our life in Christ is His commission. Jesus wants us to talk about Him, the Son of God, the Christ, the Savior. He died and took our sins on the Cross and gave us His righteousness. He is the only way. This is His ultimate Love and Grace, He alone can give.This insight is sometimes missing in the church where it might be most expected.  People speak in the church, in the hope of going to heaven when they die. What is the basis of this hope? These people were not by any means careless, nor did they trust their own righteousness, yet they usually reply,  “I think I do my best to seek the Lord and do His will, He is Merciful…”   This is not the salvation reply when we stand before the judgment seat of the Holy God. People need more than mercy. His Grace is the way we are saved. But this is something new for them to hear.

They are surprised to hear that it is only the righteousness of God that could grant them entrance into heaven.  It is a fearful thing to know that there are many who listen to the preaching of the “just cause faith” but have no idea that they cannot have a share in eternal blessedness except be declared righteous by God alone through Christ. (Good news to those who are saved by Grace)

            How one’s faith is established by this truth determines his way in the end. The Bible says, “And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.” Daniel 12:2. Grace of God is Christ way, the only way back to God.  “He is the Word who became flesh and dwelt among us, He is full of Grace and Truth, and if you confess Jesus as Lord and believe the Father resurrected Him from the dead you will be saved.” Let us not be so busy with trifles, rather tell the world the Truth of Jesus Christ, Amazing Grace following the dictates of the Holy Spirit.

Be blessed,

Pastor Edpaul

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